Summary of Legal Context for “Kept Mistresses” in India What legal protections are available for women in live-in relationships under Indian law?Legal Protections for Women in Live-In Relationships in India…
Morning Routine Unveiled: Dermatologist Reveals Skincare Blunders to Avoid
The countless bad habits associated with skincare can jeopardize the skin health of a person. A dermatologist has revealed skin sins that a person should avoid at all costs. Glowing…
6 Green Flags in Dating: Relationship Coach Decodes Signs You Should Know About
A relationship coach has revealed green flags in dating to help people navigate the dating world more confidently. The coach hopes to save people new to the dating world from…
Lifting Can Uplift Mood: Study Reveals Ripping in The Gym Can Reduce Depression Risk
Gyming can be beneficial for mental health. A study has revealed that building muscle mass in the gym can significantly lower the depression risk. Hitting the gym can uplift the…
White Christmas Is At Risk: Climate Change Can Impact Winter Tourism
Climate change is reducing the winter days count considerably in the Northern Hemisphere. Tourism locations in Europe have been the target of climate change lately. The change in climate is…
Solo Travel a Life Skill or Not: Why People Call It an Experience of a Lifetime
The thought of solo travel can make a person feel fear or freedom. People around the world have time and again associated solo travel with building life-long resilience. The thrilling…
Wife Vs Mistress: Study Reveals How Much Men Spend Money On Them
A study has revealed the gift-giving patterns of men in extra marital and monogamous affairs. The popular belief that men spend on mistresses gifts more than they spend on their…
Dating Apps and Relationships: Study Reveals Truth About Them
A study has revealed that relationships that foster on online dating platforms are fulfilling in themselves. The challenge or the stigma that revolves around the concept of dating online is…
Dating to Marry: Relationship Coach Reveals Approach Matters a Lot
Marriage is a commitment to life. Relationship coaches reveal that people’s approach to dating makes a difference. The kind of dates that a person plans to go on can determine…
Co-sleeping: Can It Influence Parents and Children’s Sleep Behavior Across Different Ages, Study Reveals
Co-sleeping practices can vary as per the age of the parent and the child. It can significantly impact their sleeping behavior. The co-sleeping trends can vary from one culture to…