Now, attaining immortality for humans is as far as seven years only. Ray Kurzweil who had been a scientist at Google claims that with the help of nanorobots in the next seven years humans will be able to attain immortality. Adagio who happens to be a tech vlogger has posted a video on YouTube where he discussed growth in robotics, nanotechnology, genetics, and many other factors too. The two-part video contains an interview where the scientist has spoken about a claim that he made in his book named The Singularity Is Near, in 2005. He had predicted back then that by 2030 with the help of technology, humans will be able to enjoy immortal life.
In 2017, Kurzweil told Futurism that 2029 happens to be the consistent date that he predicts when AI will pass the Allan Turing test. At that time he was referring to the experiments which had challenged the computers to think like humans. And that leads to achieving human intelligence. New York Report has published a post that states Kurzweil has set the date as 2045 for Singularity. That is when humans will multiply their effective intelligence with a blindfold and blend it along with the artificial intelligence that humans have created.
Kurzweil happens to be a computer scientist and he is of seventy-five years of age. Previously, he used to work as a Google engineer. In 1999, he has received the National Medal of Technology. In 2002 he even got inducted into the Hall of Fame for National Inventors. This has not been the first-ever prediction from Kurzweil. In recent decades Kurzweil has made several other predictions too. This computer scientist has always been a futurist. He also holds a good track record of making accurate predictions. Till now out of the hundred and forty-seven predictions that he has made, eighty-six percent of them have been correct.
Some of his highly recognized predictions are by 2000, computers shall become capable of defeating humans in chess, the Internet shall grow and become very powerful and the shift shall be made towards wireless technology.

Nanorobots happen to be tiny robots measuring somewhere between fifty to hundred mm in width. At present these robots are being used in research for DNA probing. In addition to that, they are also being used in vehicles that operate through cell-specific delivery and also in materials for cell imaging. Kurzweil believes that looking at the current technological expansions and advancements in the field of robotics, genetics, and nanotechnology soon there shall come a time when nanorobots will run through human veins.
Furthermore, Kurzweil also believes that with the help of nanorobots, various illnesses, and aging can fend. It will also help to repair the cells in the human body. He further claims that through nanotechnology humans will eat whatever they wish to have yet remain thin. This year in a blog post Kurzweil shared that nanorobots in the bloodstream and digestive tract will extract the nutrients humans require through a wireless network and send the unneeded food to the excretion channel as we eat.