With traditional sports games gaining a high level of achievement every now and then e-gaming platforms are also flourishing with empowering waves. In a recent interview, there were a few words spoken on this topic by Vickram Bedi about how the online gaming platform is increasing the number of its users optimistically and how they are in support of it. He talks about the growth of this industry and how gamers support each other.
There have been researches where 42% of the population agrees that gaming is a hobby and 47% take this field as a career opportunity for the source of income. When people see gaming as a career opportunity, they picture in an image where there is a screen and you have to just sit behind and play but it is a lot more than that. Sometimes, it takes a whole team to operate such kind of functioning and setup where there is a huge amount of competition between the competitors who are playing against each other as opposing teams or individuals.

In such gaming business field, there have been a lot of new options available to people in terms of online work such as content creation, live streaming, events organization, gaming videos, and brand building. Along with all this, it has also been discovered that gamers are earning more through the chances of sponsorships and partnerships with other people.
These gamers are reaching heights of excellence in matters of engaging content. With this, the people are so intrigued that they demand courses and workshops to learn these skills. There are various meet and greetings conducted for people to meet them, engage with them, be familiar with their work personally, and involve in public participation. Such opportunities are tailored to the gamers where the game is bang on with highly influential figures.