Diabetes is a chronic disease if left untreated or ignored, can be fatal. In this article, we will talk about a few symptoms of early diabetes ignored often by many. Insulin is a hormone responsible for regulating the amount of glucose in our blood, known as blood sugar. Its production happens in the pancreas.
Diabetes is a condition caused when the amount of glucose in the blood increases, and the body incapable to process the blood sugar. There are many reasons for this malfunction such as:
- The body is not producing enough insulin to regulate the blood sugar.
- Your body is unable to use the insulin effectively.
If the blood sugar level rises beyond the safety limit, it can be dangerous for you. One needs to indulge in regular check-ups and education on your blood sugar levels. Early detection of diabetes can help you recover from this better. You can easily lead a healthy lifestyle without going through insulins.
Following are a few symptoms of diabetes that people often ignore.
Increased healing and recovery time:

image source:https://health.clevelandclinic.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2018/11/SignsofDiabetes-1330228954-770×533-1-745×490.jpg
- If the blood sugar level is high, the body takes longer for natural healing.
- The sugar/glucose, its level affects the blood vessels and nerves, impacting the natural healing process.
Troubled vision:
- The blood sugar level can cause blurry vision dues to the weakened ability of the eyes to focus.
- When the blood sugar levels affect the retina, it is known as diabetic retinopathy.
The issue with nerves:
- The heightened blood sugar level affects the nerves, causing diabetic neuropathy.
- It causes various sensations such as numbness and tingling in various parts of the body.
Urinating problems:
- It is a very common diabetes symptom where the infected person has to urinate frequently more than the normal healthy person.
- The kidney is partly responsible to filter out glucose present in the blood. However, when the blood sugar level rises, the kidney filters out more to maintain its levels. It causes one to urinate more.
- When the blood sugar level increases, the body tries to manage its level. To do so, it filters out the blood and excretes the excess through urination. Excessive urination reduces the body’s fluids causing dehydration.
- Dehydration can cause many issues in the body such as dry mouth, dry skin, and more.
- The high level of glucose in the blood can cause a depletion of energy. It can cause quick fatigue and weakness in the affected person.
- Tiredness can be caused because of lack of sleep, often seen in the diabetic patient.
Heightened hunger and thirst:
- The person may experience an increased urge to eat and drink something. Increased blood sugar levels can cause it.
- Consuming unhealthy food can worsen your situation and also invite other body problems.
Unstable mood:
- Glucose is essential for the proper brain functioning. Increased level of glucose in the blood affects brain function. One of the side effects of this is unstable mood.
- The change in blood sugar level causes fluctuation in mood.