A relationship coach has revealed green flags in dating to help people navigate the dating world more confidently. The coach hopes to save people new to the dating world from the many turmoils, especially emotional ones. The coach has not just thoroughly investigated the red flags but decoded green flags to help people build fulfilling relationships. The relationship coach has revealed the positive traits or green flags that make the essence of lasting and strong relationships.
Clarity of Mind
People who do not have an ambiguous nature and are scared of commitments are green flags. They reveal their intentions about what they want to be looking for through dating from the start. The relationship coach shared that people who have green flags in dating will never say things like “I don’t know what I want.” The green flag people know why they installed the dating app in the first place and will reveal it to their date. They are never afraid to express how they feel.

Unlike red flags in dating, the green flag date will take accountability. They won’t do things that can make the situation uncomfortable and even if they do, they will not hesitate to apologize for the same. The relationship maestro shared that an emotionally mature person is one who can take ownership of their actions. They won’t point fingers at others or blame their partners. Manifesting a healthy relationship is not a big deal with a person who won’t mind correcting themselves based on the honest feedback of others.
A green flag date is someone who is kind to others. Kindness should never be just about leaving an impression on the first date. Kindness is an integral value that should be the way of life. Green flag dates will always be genuinely kind and not just for the moment.
Words and Actions Are In Line
A person is a green flag when their words match their actions. Promises have actual meanings and should not feel like something shallow. The relationship coach explained that the words and actions of a person should not differ. A green flag person is one who is truly committed to living up to their words and actions.
Feels Safe Around Them
A person is definitely a green flag when making conversations around them feels effortless and convenient. Both the dates can willingly create a safe space with one another for making difficult conversations. The relationship coach even highlighted that the other date will always feel emotionally safe opening with green flag dates. A successful relationship is based on how much the partners feel safe around each other in the relationship.
The relationship coach further revealed that a person who loves the other partner will always give first priority to their relationship. The green flag in a relationship will always be the one that appreciates and makes the other partner feel safe. They will consistently make efforts to build the relationship. This person will be emotionally invested and never make themselves feel unavailable at the moment the other partner needs them.